Our clients
- Access Aboriginal Connections to Employment
- Alberta Workforce Essential Skills (AWES)
- Blueprint ADE
- British Columbia Alliance for Manufacturing
- British Columbia Industry Training Authority (ITA)
- Carewest (Alberta Health Services)
- Clearport International
- Collége La Cité
- College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading (CSC)
- Conestoga College
- DIVERSEcity Community Resource Society
- Douglas College
- ECO Canada
- Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)
- Enform (Energy Safety Canada)
- Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium
- Global CNC Resources JSC
- Kitselas First Nation
- Lil’wat First Nation
- Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries
- Native Education College
- NorQuest College
- Nova Scotia Community College
- Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC)
- Opportunities for Employment Winnipeg
- S.A.G.E. Trainers
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic
- Skills Competences Canada
- SkillSource (BC)
- Social Research and Development Corporation
- Supply Chain Canada
- Stó:lo Nation
- Tahltan Central Government
- Trucking Human Resources Sector Council Atlantic
- Women Building Futures
- Workplace Education Manitoba (WEM)