You need good information to design an effective Essential Skills strategy. We can help you get it and interpret it.
We are trained researchers who do Essential Skills testing and conduct focus groups, one-on-one interviews and surveys with stakeholders. We make meaning of the information we’ve collected and come up with the answers you’re looking for.
We see research as a strategic opportunity for you to build positive, ongoing relationships with your stakeholders. Call us to find out how to make Essential Skills work for you.
ES Strategies
A good Essential Skill strategy is a like a blueprint that spells out how to build something – it outlines the “who, what, where and why.”
A cookie-cutter approach to Essential Skills doesn’t work because every organization and industry is different. With years of experience and research under our belt, we know what does and doesn’t work – and that saves you time and money.
Call us if you are thinking about implementing an Essential Skills strategy. We are happy to talk with you about the options you may want to explore.
Needs Analysis
Wondering whether your workforce has the right mix of skills? You are not alone. We provide customized tools to pinpoint skill requirements and measure your workers’ skills. It takes the guess work out of skill development and succession planning.
Call us if you are thinking about conducting a needs analysis. We are happy to help.
Program Evaluations
Data is just information until you turn it into something meaningful. Our team of professionals has years of on-the-ground program experience, so our program evaluations are geared towards creating practical solutions and useful ideas that you and your clients can use. We specialize in the evaluation of training programs that incorporate Essential Skills in their service delivery.
Evaluation tools include focus groups, one-on-one interviews, telephone interviews, online and paper-based surveys and Essential Skills testing.
Call us if you are planning a program evaluation. We are happy to help any way we can.
ES Profiles
Occupational profiles are the backbone of most Essential Skills tools, so it’s important that they are accurate and well-written. We have written hundreds of profiles for occupations in every industry sector, including profiles for HRSDC. HRSDC also contracted with us to begin updating their national inventory of 300 profiles, which are regarded as the industry-standard.
Choose from two different types of profiles. The traditional HRSDC-style profile organizes information by Essential Skill, so all reading tasks are together, all numeracy tasks are together, etc. We also create functional-style profiles where Essential Skills are grouped by job function, such as customer service, health and safety, etc. They make it easier for people to see how Essential Skills are part of their day-to-day work, and they still adhere to the Essential Skills framework established by HRSDC.
We can create Essential Skills profiles for any occupation. Call us if you would like to learn more.