Who We Are
We help you better the lives of the people you serve. We provide insight into your client’s current and future potential through ethical, customized assessment experiences you can trust.
The Essential Skills Group Inc. (ESG) is a national leader in the development of innovative, integrated web applications that test and build foundational skills, such as reading, writing, numeracy, digital, and problem-solving. We also assess social/emotional skills such as adaptability and teamwork. We can test almost any skill in any language.
People assess their skills online and compare their scores with a specific occupational or educational goal. There’s no waiting for results – they immediately receive a customized results report and a separate learning plan that features free online learning resources.
To date, our web applications have delivered more than 1.5 M online assessments and customized learning plans, making ours the most widely-used online foundational skills assessment in Canada.
More than 600 organizations currently use our web applications. Our clients include governments, post-secondary institutions, sector councils, researchers, associations, Indigenous groups, NGOs, and private sector companies from across Canada. We also do testing in Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Mexico, and Columbia with people who want to assess their English proficiency.
ESG is led by Michael Herzog, MBA, Divona Herzog, MCE, and Jessica Peter and backed by a solid team of IT experts and specialists.
Who We Are
We are Canada’s leader in online skills assessments and learning solutions.
The Essential Skills Group Inc. (ESG) is a national leader in the development of innovative, integrated web applications that test and build foundational skills, such as reading, writing, numeracy, digital, and problem-solving. We also assess social/emotional skills such as adaptability and teamwork. We can test skills in any language.
To date, our web applications have delivered more than 1.5 M online assessments and customized learning plans, making ours the most widely-used online foundational skills assessment in Canada.
More than 600 organizations currently use our web applications. Our clients include governments, post-secondary institutions, sector councils, researchers, associations, First Nations, NGOs, and private sector companies from across Canada. We also do testing in Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, India, Mexico, and Columbia with people who want to assess their English proficiency.
ESG is led by Michael Herzog, MBA, Divona Herzog, MCE, and Jessica Peter and backed by a solid team of IT experts and other specialists.
There are approximately 12 million Canadians who lack sufficient foundational skills such as reading, writing, numeracy, and problem-solving. These people face real challenges coping with the demands of a knowledge-based economy. They generally earn less money, are unemployed more often, have more accidents at work, and have greater difficulty learning new skills, as compared to those with higher foundational skills. We want to make a difference in the lives of these individuals.
Percentage of Canadian adults who have
insufficient reading skills
Percentage of Canadian workers who have insufficient foundational skills for their job
Percentage of Canadian adults who have
insufficient numeracy skills
Percentage of Canadian adults who have
insufficient reading skills
Percentage of Canadian workers who have insufficient foundational skills for their job
Percentage of Canadian adults who have
insufficient numeracy skills